Our bedroom:

Mom and I sewed the curtains with fabric from Ikea. (Ikea has some to-die-for fabric!)

Cannot wait to climb into this tonight!

More of the curtains (need to find a way to cover old curtains behind new ones; had to keep them because they have the all-important black-out fabric built into them.)

The view from our bedroom

The office:

Anyone recognize the photo collage from our UWS bathroom?!

These curtains were here when we moved in; aren't they killer?!

Dining Room:

Our ever-diminishing wine collection (and my lame attempt at dressing up the stupid intercom system/phone that buzzes people in)

The view when you walk in our front door (and one of my favorite paintings)

In an effort to really build anticipation (and not because the sheets to our guest bed are still in the washer), I'll be posting pix of the guest bedroom and living room tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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